
Cigar Insurance USA is the leader in providing Cigar Liability & Affordable Tobacconist Insurance for the Smoke Shops in the USA.

Liability Insurance

Our programs provide cigar businesses the Cigar Liability Insurance they need to protect their business. Our clients can rest easy knowing they are properly covered and protected. We also offer a range of Umbrella Liability limits as well and can provide our clients multiple quote options.

Business Automobile

Our insurance coverage for business automobiles is comprehensive and customizable based on your needs.  We have access to the lowest rates in the industry and can get your auto covered and protected.

Property Insurance

We offer comprehensive coverage for Business Property that includes buildings, personal property, business income, equipment floaters, tools, installation materials, and much more. Our Affordable Smoke Shop Insurance Services also can provide coverage for your loss of income or extra expenses in the event of a loss.

Workers Compensation

Writing a proper workers compensation policy requires attention to detail and experience.  There are many factors that determine your premium.  We take great care to make sure our clients are properly covered and receiving all credits available.

Specialty Coverages

Insuring the Cigar Industry takes expertise and coverages tailored specifically to the industry. Our programs offer coverages such as Products Liability, Spoilage Coverage, Liquor Liability, Customer Storage Locker Liability, and further Insurance For Cigar Lounges.

Optional Coverages

There are many optional coverages that our programs offer. Some of these coverages include Tobacco Store Insurance, Cyber Liability, Flood and Earthquake, Breach of Privacy, and Employment Practices Liability.

Our Expertise


Time is money. Our team delivers accurate and affordable Cigar Store Insurance quotes. We also know cigar insurance is not something you want taking up your day. Whether you need a certificate or just have a question, we respond to our clients the same day.


Our cigar insurance programs are built specifically for the cigar industry. We know the industry and how it operates. This allows us excel where our competition falls short.


Our cigar insurance programs are heavy in coverage, yet light on your wallet. Our exclusive company partners have the lowest prices in the industry.

Contact Us


    (877) CIGAR-17

    (877) 244-2717